LIFE is the EU program dedicated to the environment. Its overall objective is to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of environmental policy and legislation of the European Union through the co-financing of projects of value and relevance Community.

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The LIFE program began in 1992 as an expression of the public’s awareness of the need to protect the environment. The Chernobyl disaster, the hole in the ozone layer and global warming have given a decisive boost to the rapid formulation of a policy and European institutions dedicated to environmental protection.

The LIFE program has seen four phases – LIFE I (1992-1995), LIFE II (1996-1999), LIFE III (2000-2006) and LIFE (2007-2013) – during which a total of 3954 projects were funded, which contributed approximately EUR 3.1 billion to environment protection. In particular, the LIFE program is divided into two areas of intervention ‘Environment’ and ‘Climate Action’. The scope of the ‘Environment’ is further divided into three thematic sections: LIFE ‘Nature and biodiversity’ LIFE ‘Environmental Policy and Governance’ and LIFE ‘Information and Communication’.

Every year, the European Commission, which manages the program LIFE launches a call for proposals and, based on criteria that take into account the multiannual strategic program and any national priorities, determines which of the proposed projects, can benefit from the financial support of LIFE and regularly publishes a list of these projects.

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The LIFE project WOLFALPS is co-funded under the 2007-2013 programming LIFE ‘Nature and Biodiversity’ and is in continuity with other LIFE projects dedicated to conservation issues of this predator, such as LIFE Ibriwolf, a project aimed at reducing the loss of genetic heritage of the wolf, LIFE MedWolf, dedicated to best practices in wolf conservation in the Mediterranean areas, LIFE WOLFnet for the development of coordinated measures of protection for the wolf in the Apennines, LIFE Wolf, aimed at coexistence between livestock and wolves in the Apennines, and LIFE SloWolf, which has as its objectives the conservation and monitoring of the wolf in Slovenia.

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