LIFE WolfAlps Final Conference, 19-20 March 2017, Trento, Italy

Call for Poster


Main information and poster themes

Besides the Oral Presentation Session, the LIFE WolfAlps Final Conference will held a Poster Session. Poster can be submitted on topics of ecology, management, education or policy related to wolf conservation in Italy and in Europe. We encourage participants to consider presenting their work as posters, as this format allows authors to interact with attendees and discuss their research at length.
Authors are requested to be available to discuss their posters during scheduled breaks.
The specific themes for posters are the ones listed here below. Participants are asked to choose one of the following subject categories:

  • Wolf ecology and behavior
  • Wolf conservation and management
  • Human dimension and wolf-livestock co-existence
  • Wolf diseases and mortality, wolf anti-poaching actions
  • New technologies and applications
  • Education and communication

Poster specifications

For poster submission, some general rules are recommended, as follows:

  1.  Poster format is 100 cm (height) and 70 cm (width).
  2. Keep text brief. Report only key aspects of each section (e.g., introduction, study area, methods, results, discussion and management implications). It is not advisable to display the entire text from a manuscript. Too much detail destracts from the primary message of the text.
  3. The text languages admitted are English or double language Italian / English.
  4. Keep figures simple. Convey only one idea per figure, table or photograph. Figures from publications, theses or dissertations normally do not make good visuals. Too much detail detracts from the primary message of the figure.
  5. Text and figures should be readable to someone standing at a distance of 50 cm. Adjust font and image size accordingly. Big is beautiful and easy to read.
  6. Photographs should clearly show what you want the audience to see.
  7. Use appropriate blank space between words, sections, and figures.
  8. Use appropriate and compatible colors for fonts, backgrounds, graphics and figures. White backgrounds generally are best for text. Use appropriate color combinations for all audience members. Avoid putting red and green next to one another, particularly when the colors have specific meanings.
  9. Simple typefaces are preferable to fancy fonts. Bold type may be effective on headings.
  10. Really, please don’t use fancy fonts.
  11. The deadline for poster submission is 31 January 2018.


Please register here to send your poster proposal (ref.: Marta Gandolfi